Seraphina 5

1. “‘I do not know. I was cogitating upon preparations for river plaice.”(Hartman 23)
2. —
3. To contemplate, ponder or think deeply
4. To think hard; ponder; meditate
5. Contemplate, ponder, reflect, speculate
6. I had to cogitate deeply to think of how to use the word in a sentence.

Seraphina 4

1. “The newskin opened the canteen and began pouring the water straight into his head. It trickled down his scalp in ineffectual rivulets, soaking his doublet.”(Hartman 22)
2. —
3. Small stream, as in a river
4. A small stream (!) ; streamlet; brook
5. Stream, brook, channel
6. A bridge crosses the rivulet, so loose it almost dips into the water.

Seraphina 3

1.”People parted before him like the waves before St. Fonnuala. He was still in his funeral weeds, a short white houppelande with long dagged sleeves, but all his sorrow had been replaced by a spectacular annoyance.”
2. —
3. An article of clothing worn at funerals
4. (In the Middle Ages) a robe or long tunic, belted or with a fitted bodice, usually having full trailing sleeves and often trimmed or lined with fur.
5. N/A
6. You will often see cartoons where the king is dressed in a long robe with fur lining, also known as a houppelande.

Seraphina 2

1. “Two of the Sans had drawn knives, and a third had pulled a length of chain out of his leather jerkin.”(Hartman 19)
2. —
3. A wearable utensil that is able to hold chains
4. A close-fitting jacket or short coat, usually sleeveless, worn in the 16th and 17th centuries.
5. N/A
6. For our medieval themed play, my costume consists of a tight leather vest called a jerkin.

Seraphina 1

1. “He was a raw newskin, scrawny and badly groomed, all awkward angles and unfocused eyes. A goose egg, puffy and gray, swelled along his sallow cheekbones.” (Hartman 19)
2. —
3. Wounded, swollen, or unpleasant-looking
4. Pale, unhealthy
5. Pallid, anemic, sickly, wan, discolored, pale
6. People with smallpox would develop a pale, sallow complexion.